

Welcome to our transformative retreat days, where magick meets healing and profound shifts await you. Join us for a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and deep transformation.

Our retreat days are carefully crafted to immerse you in a holistic experience that blends teachings, exercises, group healings, magickal practices, rituals, and ceremonies. Guided by me, Sarah, you'll enter upon on a sacred journey to unlock your inner potential and align with your highest self.

Each retreat day theme varies from business strategy for conscious entrepreneurs to finding and aligning with your purpose and living a more abundant life. Each begins with heart-opening rituals and practices, setting the intention for the profound work ahead. Then I will guide you into transformative group healings, where collective energy amplifies the healing process, cultivating a sense of connection and support among participants.

Experience the vibrations of a sound bath, harmonising mind, body, and spirit, followed by a sacred cacao ceremony to close the day with gratitude and reflection. Our retreats offer a safe space for you to explore, heal, and grow, blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques.

Throughout you can expect to nourish your body with two delicious plant-based meals, prepared with love to fuel your journey. Refreshments are provided throughout the day, keeping you energised and hydrated.

With limited spaces available on each retreat day, you'll enjoy an intimate setting conducive to deep exploration and personal growth, connecting with like-minded people. Expect profound shifts and transformations as you delve into the depths of your being and emerge renewed and empowered.

Retreat Testimonials

  • Melissa Mary
    Wow this retreat was life changing! The shifts I have had personally and professionally have been mind blowing! I am still integrating all the magick that was created and activated. Sarah’s space holding and wisdom is incredible, she is truly one in a million. I cannot wait for the next one! Thank you so much.
    Melissa Mary
    Transformation Coach
  • Sophia Barlow
    The most incredible experience working with Sarah at her retreat, I’ve never known shifts occurring like it. My whole life is constantly changing through Sarah’s phenomenal healing and magick combined with active tasks to complete and actions to put into place to make things happen. Truly phenomenal cannot recommend her enough!
    Sophia Barlow
    Empowering Healer
  • Sue Phillips
    If you need your ‘tin lid’ lifting off Sarah’s retreat is the place to be. Her space holding and energy is second to none. Her ability to swiftly incorporate everyone’s needs is phenomenal all done with such aplomb. I felt she helped me shift something that’s been keeping me ‘trapped’ for eons. Amazing
    Sue Phillips
    Soul Medicine Practitioner
  • Flo Moulin
    The retreat with Sarah was very transformational for me. I was able to identify and let go of many limiting beliefs that I had not seen in 39 years. It really was a before and after. I would do it a thousand times I recommend it 100%
    Flo Moulin
    Artist and Witch