Client Testimonials

I have just completed the uncover your hidden genius course after hearing brilliant things. WOW! It was that and more. This course truly is like no other I have ever done before. I am so grateful for Sarah and how she holds space for you to become aware of the blockages in your subconscious that is holding you back from your true potential. I am already on my way to big changes and feel like I am getting to know myself properly for the very first time. I can’t recommend this course enough to anyone and everyone.
Jodie Morton, Yoga Teacher

Being held by Sarah in the energy of the container has created so many shifts for me already. I’ve discovered so much more about myself through the work and tasks and having a like-minded group in a supportive space is amazing. It’s so impactful I’ve made so much progress and fast both personally and in my business. The flow of the container is pushing me and holding me accountable so I never lose track.
Laura Baker, Holistic Therapist & Crystal Supplier

When we first spoke I was in a pretty dark place. I was deeply unsatisfied with the way I was living and experiencing life. A mutual friend had recommended Sarah the year before but I didn’t reach out to her until I had hit rock bottom. I had been working as a mechanic and life coaching in my free time, but when my own mental well-being began to deteriorate I had to pull the plug. I felt condemned to live out the rest of my days doing something I wasn’t meant for. I will never forget our first call together. Sarah immediately saw something in me that I thought was lost. She cut right through my self-imposed limitations and we immediately started working through many of the aspects which were holding me back. I felt truly held and guided throughout the process as I began to understand and uncover the truth of who I am and what I am capable of. I could never have anticipated the swift, deep, and lasting shifts that I went through almost instantly and I will always have such profound gratitude for the work she does and the person she is.
Jeremy Young, Inner Child & Life Coach

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sarah for the past two years and recently met her in person for a personalised retreat. While some might call Sarah “a coach,” I consider her my spiritual guide. Like most westerners, my centre was my head, my rational side. Working with Sarah I managed to shift from the head to the heart and with this connect with my feelings and emotions. This has allowed me to work on my past traumas and inner beliefs. Sarah has guided me through every step of the way using her vast knowledge of different disciplines she has studied and mastered over the years. While every zoom session is incredibly powerful, meeting Sarah in person has been deeply transformative. The 4 days retreat together has taken me deep inside, I have faced my fears, my ego. With her beautifully crafted sequence of ceremonies and integration sessions, I have experienced the power of the divine energy, its expansiveness, love and joy. Sarah has shown me what’s there beyond us and with her continued support I can take my own journey to the next level. I can’t recommend her enough to anyone that wants to truly awaken oneself and in particular to my fellow men out there.
Luigi Matrone, Technology Entrepreneuer

Today I had a 121 healing session with Sarah McBride and for me has been the most surreal and amazing day in my 42-year-old life so far!!! This even beats the births of my two beautiful daughters hard to believe but true folks.
So back to today, I’ve been searching for a while now on what makes ME happy, tick and over think and generally act the way I do. I went through so many unbelievable emotions and relief and was emotionally drained and I mean drained today truly unbelievable folks all from the HEART!!! That I have never felt before and Not the head or the EGO!! that has been winning all these years it woke me up and made me appreciate what is important in my life. It’s never has been about status or possession cars or holiday’s or who has the most amount of money or the most amount of fake friends, likes or comments that’s all very superficial.
I have never ever ever felt this type of emotion before, it’s a day that will last with me forever a day that I realised that I was free of my old ways and old habits because I finally found it within myself to accept the past for what it was and also what has blocking me all these years and found the strength in me to let it all go.
I actually have never ever ever encountered a high like this before absolute euphoria, relief and the removal of years of suffering which I have held within myself all rolled into one, Better than any drink or drug high because all they do is suppress your feelings even more and block out what you really want to shift out of your body and your problems will always be there, until you grow a pair and look your demons straight in the eyes like me today and beat them…
And I know there’s going to be people thinking has he lost his mind at last but actually folks I’ve just found it again along with my HEART.
Neil Molloy, Health Supplement Distributor

I sought Sarah out to work with me on visibility, and marketing a soul led business. Sarah holds an abundance of transformational power. She is real, a wise witch, articulate, compassionate, and her alchemical magick is as real as she is. Her blend of corporate expertise and spiritual wisdom is potent and unique. I’m so glad I chose to work with Sarah and I am excited by what is unfolding.
Jules Kay, Soul Alchemist

Almost three years ago I began a beautiful (and also uncomfortable) path of reconnection with my feminine energy and healing, hand in hand with Sarah that, although I did not know it at the time, would become a deep spiritual awakening. Today spirituality is part of my life and is also present in my programs. But, only this year, I made it conscious. In my head was just “I didn’t feel ready,” “if I was only on this path for three years,” “who was it to talk about spirituality”… And all those phrases that the ego loves but silences the soul.
In January I had a strong urge to go to the UK to spend 4 days with Sarah. Something told me I HAD to do it. And thank goodness I heard myself. I still can’t put into words what I experienced. The only thing that comes out of my mouth is “WOW, WOW, WOW.” It was four days of ceremonies, rituals, healing and witchcraft. Four days of a sublime connection with the Universe and my spirituality. It confirmed to me, WITHOUT DOUBT, that this was the path for me. Thank you infinitely, Sarah, for helping me on my way with so much love as it has helped lit the spark that became my great light.
Naylor Norrah, Business Entrepreneur

I was drawn to working with Sarah because I wanted a coach who could support me in launching my new business. whilst working on my limiting beliefs and the self-saboteur because I still didn’t feel I could achieve my dreams. I also knew that she’s a no-bullshit, says it as it is type of girl just like me! I went from a place of overwhelm and stress into a state of deep self-discovery. I thought I’d worked through many of my challenges, but the first part of the Incubator delved deeper than I could imagine and was a very powerful process.
Sarah’s support has been exactly what I needed, she has believed in me when I didn’t, she obviously has a wealth of knowledge but has a way of teaching you in a way that makes sense. She’s been a true inspiration to me, as have all of those in the incubator! Sometimes we need people to hold space for us, put their energy into your business and vice versa.
Lauren Crickmar, Female Empowerment Coach

Sarah McBride is the most authentic, empowering, talented, inspirational soul in this universe. Words cannot describe how much of an impact she’s had on me but I’m going to try…. Sarah came into my life at the exact time she was meant to. Working with her over the past few months has helped me uncover hidden blocks, find my true purpose, heal subconscious wounds and put boundaries in place. She’s helped me to be able to bring my desires into existence. The knowledge I’ve gained from working with Sarah is invaluable.
Life will always bring us challenges but by consistently doing the work on ourselves we are in a better position to overcome them and live life to it’s full potential. I’m truly grateful for your existence Sarah, keep spreading your light beautiful soul.
Emily Gleaves, Conscious Coach

Last week was one of the most challenging in terms of personal growth. I spent 3 days with my spiritual coach, Sarah, deepening our work of more than two years. I was forced to see, feel, open all my shadows. Which was very hard in the 5 hours of each Ceremony. The subsequent feeling of feeling so low, so undeserving, was very hard. I was full of self loath. The integration process requires going through it in all its expression: FEELing everything that we deeply reject from ourselves.
It tested all my mindset and confidence work to be able to alchemize this into a positive, adding to the support in the integration and each healing session with Sarah. But now I can tell you: I am more me than ever, more authentic, strong, confident. Because there is nothing more healing than forgiving yourself and using that strength to be a little better every day.
Augusto Marolla, Bio-Hacker, Coach & Healer

I would like you to meet my business Yogi.
Many of us think of Yoga as a series of stretches, twists and turns but actually the word Yoga means union. And in this ancient art of mysticism which dates back at least 4 1/2 thousand years. Yoga means union with the divine, now of course there are many relationships we can have with the highest idea and experience we can have of reality.
In certain traditions divinity is described as our higher self, the light, as a personal opening to the greatest aspect of our own being, therefore Yoga can mean to connect with and live from our greatest self, of soul.
So whatever prefix the word Yoga identifies, it’s a pathway to the connection to our greatest soul self.
For example in the Yoga of devotion we initially externalise our greatest idea of self as a religious figure such as Christ, Buddha, Krishna etc.
In Karma yoga meaning the yoga of action we learn to act in a way that connects us to our greatest self.
For me personally I feel I have some mastery of relationship yoga, purpose yoga, love yoga, Energy yoga and yoga of the connection with the higher self.
I know this because after thirty years of effort, these areas of my life are flourishing, and I feel that these are clear expressions of my soul.
However one area which has been a life long struggle for me, the greatest yoga challenge I faced in the last 30 years is business and financial Yoga.
I know this because I have gone through most of my life either in debt, borrowing money off partners, parents and friends, and constantly struggling to keep my head above water each month, not knowing if I would have enough to cover my bills.
I believe this to be quite common in holistic/spiritual circles. I also believe that this is because of some terrible misunderstanding in spiritual teachings. Where for some strange reason money has been kept in the shadow with sayings such as “it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to get into heaven.”
In all of the areas of my life I had met great teachers who showed me how to get these areas into soul alignment. In India I met an incredible master in the way of devotion.
I was lucky enough to train with a great master of energy work and Tai Chi, and in my early 20s I was lucky enough to train for three years with a great master of communication during my counselling diploma.
This training allowed my spirituality, my relationships, my health and my purpose to thrive and become whole (holy). However up to the beginning of this year I had never met a business mystic, that is until a few months ago where I met Sarah McBride.
I was guided to work with Sarah through some very powerful synchronicities, and after one month of working with her I have already seen some massive shifts. For the first time I was able to get out of debt, my income increased fourfold and finally as many of you may have seen, my business started to thrive for the first time.
Sarah has a gift of showing us how to bring our gifts powerfully out into the world, through her years of experience of being both a meditator, shamanic healer and high end business coach turning international corporations around.
She is in my experience a very gifted business mystic, who has now turned her gifts towards helping conscious entrepreneurs thrive.
As a sensitive, I noticed the first time I worked with Sarah, I felt shifts happening in my energy body and consciousness, and I felt my unconscious negative/fearful attitude to money start to shift.
I could literally feel my money programming being brought into the light, for the first time I started to see and more importantly feel that money was a divine energy. One that could be used not only to support myself but in doing so to move me into a greater expression of service for others in my own work.
Sarah has some kind of alchemical gift in helping conscious entrepreneurs like me step out into the world and remove blockages to our ability to receive financial support from the universe. And in doing so to start to attract incredible clients who are in alignment for the gifts that we are here to manifest on Earth.
So I wanted to celebrate my business Yogi mentor with you, so that if you also felt in a similar place to me, you might also wish to contact her to see if she could support your journey.
It’s rare to find a being who has already achieved business mastery outside of the spiritual arena, as a corporate consultant who took herself out of financial poverty in her late 20s, to in a very short period of time being regularly paid up to £15,000 per month for her services to business.
And as someone who is now sharing her methods for conscious entrepreneurs who want to find financial freedom.
I wanted to let you all know about her and her incredible gift of alchemy, in reprogramming our money story. And also to support her dream of assisting as many conscious entrepreneurs as possible, step out into the world and make true difference here on the planet.
Graeme Waterfield, Energy Mastery Teacher

Almost three years ago I began a beautiful (and also uncomfortable) path of reconnection with my feminine energy and healing, hand in hand with Sarah that, although I did not know it at the time, would become a deep spiritual awakening. Today spirituality is part of my life and is also present in my programs. But, only this year, I made it conscious. In my head was just “I didn’t feel ready,” “if I was only on this path for three years,” “who was it to talk about spirituality…” And all those phrases that the ego loves but silences the soul. In January I had a strong urge to go to the UK to spend 4 days with Sarah. Something told me I HAD to do it. And thank goodness I heard myself. I still can’t put into words what I experienced. The only thing that comes out of my mouth is “WOW, WOW, WOW.” It was four days of ceremonies, rituals, healing and witchcraft. Four days of a sublime connection with the Universe and my spirituality. It confirmed to me, WITHOUT DOUBT, that this was the path for me. Thank you infinitely, Sarah, for helping me on my way with so much love as it has helped lit the spark that became my great light.
Naylor Norrah, Business Entrepreneur